If you want to get married jewish in Vienna, there are a few steps you need to follow to ensure a successful and legal marriage. Below you will find a detailed guide that can help you with this.
What is a Jewish marriage?
Jewish marriage is a solemn act in which a man and a woman marry before a rabbi. The ceremony includes a marriage ceremony, a signing of the marriage contract and a joint celebration with friends and family.

Step-by-step instructions for a Jewish marriage in Vienna
Step 1: Check your papers
Before you can start planning your Jewish wedding in Vienna, you need to make sure you have all the necessary documents. This includes a valid passport, a registration form and, if necessary, a residence permit.
Step 2: Choose a Rabbi and Make an Appointment
To plan a Jewish wedding in Vienna, you need to find a rabbi who can perform your wedding. You can do this by searching the internet for rabbis in Vienna or by contacting the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien (IKG). Once you have found a rabbi, you need to make an appointment for your wedding to ensure that the rabbi is available and has enough time to make the necessary preparations.
Step 3: Meet the religious requirements
Before you can get married, you must meet the religious requirements set by the Jewish community. These may include a conversation with the rabbi, a marriage preparation class, and the mikvah, a ritual bath that symbolizes purity.
Step 4: Jewish rituals and signing the marriage contract
A Jewish wedding is a solemn ceremony that symbolizes the marriage between a Jewish groom and a Jewish bride. Jewish weddings typically include a series of rituals under a chuppah (wedding canopy). Here are some important elements of a Jewish wedding:
Number 7: The number 7 has a special meaning in Judaism as it is considered a sacred number. In a Jewish wedding, the number 7 is emphasized in various aspects of the ceremony. For example, there are often seven blessings (Sheva Berachot) recited during the wedding ceremony. These blessings symbolize the blessings and joy the couple is expected to experience in their marriage.
The Breaking of the Glass: A well-known element of a Jewish wedding is the groom breaking a glass with his foot. This occurs at the end of the ceremony after the couple is officially married. There are various interpretations for this tradition. One possible reason is that the breaking of the glass is a reminder of the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple and thus of grief in the face of loss. It may also be a reminder of the vulnerability of love and that there can be ups and downs in a marriage.
The Ring: The groom gives the bride a ring during the wedding ceremony. The ring symbolizes the bond and promise the couple is making in marriage. The ring is often placed on the index finger of the bride's right hand, as this finger is considered particularly symbolic in Jewish tradition.
During the ceremony, you will be asked to sign a marriage contract known as a ketubah. This contract contains your promises to each other and your obligations to each other. In traditional Jewish law, the ketubah (Jewish marriage contract) typically contains requirements of the husband towards his wife.
Step 5: Celebrate your wedding
After signing the marriage contract, you are officially considered a married couple. You can now celebrate your wedding by hosting a party or a banquet with your friends and family members.
Frequently asked questions
Do I need a rabbi to get married Jewishly in Vienna? Yes, to get married Jewishly in Vienna you will need the assistance of a rabbi or contact the IKG (Jewish Community in Vienna).
How long does it take to plan a Jewish wedding in Vienna? It depends on how early you start planning and how much prep work is required, but as a general rule you should plan for at least six months. What are the religious requirements for a Jewish wedding in Vienna?
This can vary depending on the community or rabbi, but may include a conversation with the rabbi, a marriage preparation course, and the ritual bath. Do I have to be Jewish to get married Jewishly in Vienna?
Getting married Jewishly usually requires the couple to be Jewish. However, there are also cases where a non-Jew can convert to Judaism and then have a Jewish wedding. In any case, it is important to work with a rabbi or Jewish community to ensure that the wedding complies with religious requirements.
Where can I find more information about Jewish marriage in Vienna? You can contact the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien (IKG) for more information and support.